Sunday, July 11, 2010

Recovering in Calgary, AB

Went to the clinic today to get hooked up on a portable IV pump. Poor DH wasted another morning ferrying me around. We came back for lunch and DH took DD1 and DD2 back to the Stampede. No tickets for the Rodeo, but they enjoyed the midway.
At a naval exhibit, they had saddles on torpedoes so the kids could ride them. DH got a kick out of that!

They also watched some shows like 'Cowboy Up' (horsmanship trials), miniature ponies, and Circo Comedia (a comedy duo from Montreal). The girls loved it all but and immediately fell asleep on the car ride home.

I spent the afternoon with DS at the trailer, trying to get some rest. Finished my book, Book of Negroes, which I highly recommend.

Went back to Mike and Carol's, as Carol invited us for supper. Her granddaughter was inconsolable to find our girls gone after their sleepover, and our girls were quite happy to return and play.

It was a fantastic meal of roast beef and popovers, stuff we don't get camping!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that you tried to relax a little bit. The photos from the midway look great! Too bad you could not have hit a silver dollar pancake breakfast. Those are my memories of Stampede, pancake breakfasts as far as the eye can see!

    Ahhh, syrup!.....
