Osoyoos was very dry and hot, it is a desert after all! We left highway 97 and took highway 3 (Crowsnest Hwy) to Hope through the Similkameen region. Still lots of vineyards at first.
The Okanagan is famous for its fruit stands, and we stopped at one in Keremeos for fresh peaches and plums. They were soooo good! At the fruit stand they had neet farm equipement at the end of the orchard rows.
The landscape was initially very hilly, dry and barren. It became more lush (more coniferous) as we approached Hope. The road was very twisty and steep around Princeton. In fact it was kinda crazy, check it out on a map, it follows a mountain pass and is definately not a direct route! It occured to me that we are now off the T-Can: we left it just before Vernon for the first time since we got on it near Brandon. Saw some Yukon and Maryland plates today.
The weather was iffy all day - we've had almost no rain for 3 weeks but we did get rained on in Canada's only desert! As we approached Hope, there were lots of low lying clouds (or were we very high?'), and DD1 was very excited to drive through one!
We got back on the T-Can at Hope and drove throught the Fraser river valley through Chilliwack and Abbotsford. We approached Vancouver around rush hour but had no traffic problems crossing in the city and over the second narrows bridge.
We landed in Deep Cove, in North Vancouver, to stay with my aunt. We are looking forward to spending a few days around Vancouver.
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