I noticed I had a blocked milk duct while driving around, but didn't think much of it until I started to feel a beat weak and nauseus around lunch time. We parked about 2 blocks from the Stampede Entrance and had lunch in the back of the van. This is the one and only picture we took before it all went to heck.
In the ten minutes it took me to walk from the van to the Stampede entrance I went from feeling unwell to feeling deathly ill. I went directly to the first aid tent and scared the nurses (fever of 40.4, violent shaking, and cyanotic). They couldn't even get my blood pressure because I was shaking so much. I figured it was mastitis, which is good because otherwise I would have though I was dying, I was just that ill. I terrified poor DH, because I was trying to get the nurses to move quickly and call an ambulance, I knew I needed to get to the Emerg.
I was hoping DH and the kids would continue on the Rodeo, but he decided to meet me at the hospital. As it turned out, I had left the car on 'on' while we had our lunch in the parking lot and killed the battery. Poor DH had to entertain the kids while waiting for a boost so he could meet me at the hospital. I went for the third ambulance ride of my life, but this time they had the sirens going. I felt much better in the ambulance, I think they must have given me something for my fever. No waiting for me, straight to a bed and treatment in Emerg. By the time DH got to the hospital, I had lost my purplish colour and was feeling much better. The gave me IV antibiotics and told me I had to go back for another IV push at 11 pm.
Kinda tough to do when you're travelling with young kids and a dog. I was too unwell to drive, but we didn't want to drag out the girls to Emerg at 11 pm (my definition of hell). So we drew on our family resources add called my 2nd cousin (My grandfather's nephew). His graddaughter, who is DD1's age, was there so the girls got to have a sleepover while we went to Emerg. Good thing, because we were there until 3:30 am. Felt like death coming home, but at least there were no munchkins waking up in the middle of the night.
Have to go back to the hospital tomorrow am for home parenteral therapy (basically portable IV pump).
Now the big question is - will we make it to Yoho?
Well here is my questions, why would you be cyanotic with a blocked milk duct? I will have to research that a bit. I also found out that tipi can be spelt many different ways, so I guess whomever built the Medicine Hat Tipi, chose that way? I am still waiting for confirmation from my friend in MH.
ReplyDeleteWell, I guess your vacation was not exciting enough with the landscapes and driving a new trailer and your DH having chest pains, you had to add some zest yourself! Wow, I am not sure how my family would have loved it, or wanted to continue on to Yoho, I would have stayed a few days?
I have to admire your guts and other not blocked body parts. Good idea on having the girls stay over at the second cousins, it would have been very much a hassle to have to get them up and then stay at the hospital.
Did you get that alone time with DH :)?